Mittwoch, 29. April 2015



Like coins which mean to be some flakes
Like fleshes which mean to be some drops
Hurting that was already hurt
Anchoring there where already has been burned
Expressions repeat themselves in the messages
Lovely and bitter are no more in love.

Kiss me. Kiss my eyes. Kiss any winkle of my exhaust.
Kiss me. Kiss me between my fingers, which is caressing my sex.

Like coins, carried by some holders, we are dreaming of a freedom.
A freedom which is not ours.
Like fleshes, desiring the desire, which just want to be burned.
Hurt me. Hurt me. I know you will hurt me.
Let me acquit ahead.
Let me whisper all what you borrowed.
Which you mean to be yours.
Let me mean to be a flake, which carries his drops of screaming.
Let me mean to be a coin, which is damn aware of his loneliness.

Kiss me. Kiss my collarbones. Be not unfair to none of each.
Kiss me. Kiss my contemplation. Do not venture to be harsh.

Like fleshes, which one can squash to get the juice of
I am dropping still in a faith of wait.
Surrounded by blurry talks,
Need to suck the nipples of a mother, which is not mine.
Need to suck the nipples of a truth which I am longing for.

Carry. Carry me. Do not carry me, I am afraid of being your belonging.
Look. Look at me. Do not look at me, I already hate your imprint in me.

30. April 2015
Ninel Çam